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Arizona (AZ) Insurance Exam Prep Courses

Get your Arizona insurance license using an America’s Professor online training course. Our comprehensive video lectures, review questions and study guide will help you learn, and retain, the material needed to pass your Arizona insurance license exam the first time!

Start your path to success today! Please take a look at our Arizona Insurance Pre-Licensing Courses below for Property, Casualty, Life and Health:


Package Course

Arizona PC + LAH Pre-Licensing Course Package: Combo

Average 4.66 out of 5 stars
Average 4.88 out of 5 stars
$ 348.00 $ 398.00
  • Combo Course Discount
  • Test prep for the AZ Property and Casualty Insurance Producer (commercial and noncommercial) Exam 13-34
  • Test prep for the AZ Life, Accident and Health Insurance Producer Exam 13-33
  • Combo Package: Property & Casualty Course + Life & Accident and Health Course
Combo Course
$ 199.00
  • Test prep for the AZ Property and Casualty Insurance Producer (commercial and noncommercial) Exam 13-34
  • Combo Property + Casualty Course
Combo Course
$ 199.00
  • Test prep for the AZ Life, Accident and Health Insurance Producer Exam 13-33
  • Combo Life + Accident and Health Course

Arizona Life Pre-Licensing Course

Average 5 out of 5 stars
$ 145.00
  • Test prep for the AZ Life Insurance Producer Exam 13-31
$ 145.00
  • Test prep for the AZ Accident and Health Insurance Producer Exam 13-32

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Our goal is for your educational experience to be a positive one! If you are dissatisfied with your course, please let us know as soon as possible. We will make it right. If you start the course and realize it’s just not for you, let us know and return the materials and we will provide a full refund. Refunds are not available after the course certificate of completion has been issued.

If you are unable to pass the exam within your course subscription time, please give us a call at 1-800-870-3130 and we will extend your subscription for free until you pass.

We are committed to helping our students!


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Company Specific Courses

Please see here for more information on company courses. If you already have a course set up with us please use the search field at the top of the page to search for your company.

How To Pass

To become an insurance agent in Arizona, you need to have the appropriate license. To get your license, you must pass the Arizona insurance licensing exam.

If you’re like most candidates, you probably have lots of questions. How hard is the exam, what score do you need to pass, and how do you sign up?

The team at America’s Professor has answers to all these questions and more.

For more than 30 years, we’ve been helping students across the country prepare for their state licensing exams. Our comprehensive Arizona insurance license exam prep courses teach you everything you need to know to pass your exam.

Keep reading for answers to common questions about the Arizona insurance licensing exam.

Is the Arizona exam difficult?

All of the insurance licensing exams are challenging. Whether you’re going for your Property and Casualty insurance license or your Life & Health license, the exams are designed to test your knowledge of key insurance terms and concepts.

Test authors often use subtle tactics to throw you off, like turning a question into a negative or writing confusing answer choices. Even without these added obstacles, the exams are tough.

Insurance is full of jargon and tricky concepts that are not common knowledge. The only surefire way to correctly answer the questions on the exam is to be well prepared. That means devoting plenty of time to learning the material.

How many questions are on the Arizona insurance exam?

The number of questions varies for each exam.

Single line of authority exams (e.g., Life or Property) have 100 questions and a time limit of 2 hours. Combo exams (e.g., Life, Accident & Health, or Property & Casualty) have 150 questions and a time limit of 2.5 hours.

See the Arizona test content outlines for more information about the number of questions on each exam and the time limits, available at https://www.prometric.com/arizona/insurance.

What score do I need to pass?

In Arizona, you need a score of 70 to pass the exam. There are two parts to the exam: a national section and a state-specific section. You need a score of 70 on both parts to pass—the scores are not averaged together.

Most students say the state-specific portion is harder since it tends to deal with trivial state laws and regulations.

Your exam will be scored on the spot. You will know right away whether you passed. But you will not be told which questions you got right or wrong.

If you don’t pass on your first try, you can sign up to take the test again after a mandatory waiting period—usually 1-3 days.

What kinds of questions are on the exam?

The questions on the exam are multiple choice. There are no short answer or fill-in-the-blank questions. But this doesn’t mean they’re easy or intuitive.

The exams cover industry-specific terms like “indemnity” and “modified perils.” You’ll need to know things like what an “unendorsed DP-3 policy” is. Or what the different types of homeowner’s insurance policies cover. These things aren’t common knowledge.

Our students report that around 1/3 of the questions are on terminology, 1/3 are number/day questions, and 1/3 are situational questions.

The questions are chosen from a large pool, and each exam contains a different set of questions—you will not see the exact same questions as other students.

Can I take the exam online?

You may be eligible to take a proctored exam through Prometric, the company that administers the Arizona exams. Proctored means someone monitors you through your computer’s webcam while you take the exam.

Learn more about proctored exams and whether your exam is eligible at https://www.prometric.com/proproctorcandidate.

What is the best way to study?

The experts at America’s Professor recommend that you start studying at least 2 weeks before your scheduled exam date. Dedicate 35-40 hours to studying. This is the typical length of an in-person course, and it’s the amount of time most students need to fully grasp the material.

Find a quiet, distraction-free place to study, and put yourself on a strict study schedule. Continue studying right up until the day of your exam, but don’t cram a few days before the exam. Research shows this is the worst way to study.

If you’re a visual learner, take notes and highlight pertinent information. Use any tools you find helpful, like index cards.

Should I take an exam prep course?

Yes. Taking an exam prep course for your state will give you the best chances of passing your exam on the first try. You can check here for our full guide on How to Pass the Arizona Insurance Licensing Exam.

Don’t settle for low-quality study guides or practice quizzes you find online. If you Google “Arizona property and casualty insurance license practice test” or “Arizona life and health insurance study guide,” you’re bound to get lots of search results, but very few comprehensive study solutions.

America’s Professor specifically designs the courses to teach you everything you need to know to pass your exam.

When you enroll in an AP course, you’ll get instant access to our streaming video lessons, which are available to watch day or night. You’ll also get a comprehensive hardcopy textbook to complement the online material, along with plenty of practice quizzes. And it’s all backed by our outstanding customer support.

Read our customer reviews and testimonials and enroll in an AZ insurance exam prep course today! And if you have any further questions, check here for our full guide on How to Pass the Arizona Insurance Licensing Exam.