AP’s Guarantee / Refund Policy



Our goal is for your educational experience to be a positive one! If you are dissatisfied with your course, please let us know as soon as possible. We will make it right. If you start the course and realize it’s just not for you, let us know within 60 days from the date of purchase, and you can return the materials for a full refund. Refunds are not available if a course certificate of completion has been issued.

If you are unable to pass the exam within your course subscription time please request an extension on our Contact Us page and we will extend your subscription for free until you pass.

If you don’t pass your exam, please send us a copy of your fail report to info@americasprofessor.com. We will gladly take a look at your score report and make recommendations on which chapters to study given your areas of weakness on the report. Please only send these reports in if you have completed your course 100%. We will not provide recommendations if you have not completed your course.

We are committed to helping our students!