How to Become an Insurance Agent in Georgia

Licensure is the final goal for any person who wants to provide consumers in their state with information on different types of insurance and to sell them policies that meet their individual needs. The requirements that must be met prior to licensure differ among the states. In Georgia, residents who would like to become insurance agents have specific requirements that must be met prior to being permitted to take a Georgia insurance license exam.  They must first take and successfully complete a state approved course for which they receive a certificate of completion. This course requirement applies to every category, or line, of insurance that they wish to be licensed under.

Insurance Agent Learning Resources

Getting your license to sell insurance in Georgia will allow you to work for an insurance company or as an independent broker selling insurance policies to other people and businesses. Each category of insurance that you want to sell in Georgia will require a different license under the state. Responsibilities as an insurance agent include understanding the terms and availability of insurance policies to explain to your clients, making recommendations for changes on policies when needed, and determining premiums.


The following steps are a basic outline for what you need to do to become a licensed insurance agent in Georgia:

  • Start with a good quality approved Georgia pre-license insurance course. In order to attain licensure in Georgia, you are required to take an approved 20-hour course for each line of authority you wish to be licensed for such as Life, Accident & Sickness (Health), Property, Casualty and Personal Lines. Course combos can also be taken, such as 40-hour courses for Property and Casualty, or for Life and Accident & Sickness. Georgia Adjusters and Public Adjusters are also required to take a 40-hour Property & Casualty course but pass the specific Adjuster exam they want to be licensed for. 
  • A study-at-your-own pace online course will allow you to fit your studies into your schedule. Make sure you choose a reliable source for the instruction that includes all of the information needed which pertains to the state requirements, and the practice exams that allow you to test your knowledge and pinpoint areas where you need additional focus. Although your course is a requirement toward your receiving your license, it is also a valuable tool for helping you learn the information about licensure in Georgia. The quality of your study materials will determine your successful preparation for the licensing exam.
  • Once you have completed your approved pre-licensing course, received certificates of completion, and are comfortable with the information available through the course, you will need to register for a Georgia insurance test and pay the required fees. We recommend taking the exam as soon as possible after completing your pre-licensing course. (more GA exam info)
  • Once you have taken and passed your exam, you will be required to submit a license application to receive your Georgia insurance agent license. Be sure to also include your certificates of course completion when submitting your application. You should expect to pay separate fees for the license application and for the license itself (usually totaling around $115).

The pre-licensing course you take to prepare you for the insurance exam is one of the most important tools any potential insurance agent can rely on. Although some people find the exam challenging, at best, those who are adequately prepared can pass the test the first time they try. Thanks to the convenience of internet courses, students are able to get the information and practice they need, on a flexible schedule that takes the stress out of studying. The choice in insurance license classes and the quality of study materials is the most important factor in completing your Georgia insurance licensing requirements quickly and effectively.


video courses online sample questions
Georgia Insurance Agent Pre-License Courses Georgia Insurance Sample Questions



To become a Georgia insurance agent, individuals must first enroll in an approved insurance pre-license prep course and complete required hours of study and learn applicable information. Once completed, the next step is to pass the license exam and apply for the license.

Company Bio

America’s Professor ( is a company which teaches insurance pre-licensing courses to help potential insurance agents acquire their licenses. They have over 30 years of experience at providing the highest quality courses through the use of instructional videos and easy-to-understand textbooks.

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Denver McLendon
8 years ago

I am interested in a good pre lincensure course for becoming an insurance agent in Georgia.

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
8 years ago

Hi Denver, We indeed have great insurance license courses for Georgia ( with very high first time pass results. Please give us a call if you have any questions. Thanks and have a great day.

Teri Williams
Teri Williams
7 years ago

Once licensed in Georgia, how hard is it to transfer the license to Florida?
Thank you

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
7 years ago
Reply to  Teri Williams

Hello Teri, You will want to call and talk to the Agent licensing department in Florida (850-413-3137) to verify but the last time we checked you needed to have a clearance letter from your state and your license in Georgia has to be in good standing for at least a year. If not, you will have to start the licensing process again in Florida. Good luck!

7 years ago

I have a Ga p&c license, I am wanting to get my adjuster license, would I have to retake the test or just apply?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
7 years ago
Reply to  Kim

Hello Kim, You would need to take take the specific Adjuster exam you are trying to be licensed for, 12-GA-24 for a regular Adjuster and 12-GA-20 for a Public Adjuster. You must also have a valid certificate of completion. If you do not have a valid certificate of completion (valid for 1 year) you must take another Georgia Approved Property and Casualty Adjuster course. We are seeing a lot of licensed GA PC Agents/Producers trying to pick up an Adjuster license but they’ve been licensed as an agent for years so their certificate is way out of date. Please let… Read more »

Vidal Rodriguez
Vidal Rodriguez
4 years ago

I have a 215 License in Florida and have a few non-resident licenses, one for Georgia. I am planning to move to Georgia next year and would like to know what I must do in order to continue selling insurance in Georgia. Do I need to get a resident license?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
4 years ago

Hi Vidal, You will have to move your resident license to Georgia. You are probably best off to look at for the process or get in touch with the Department of Insurance in Georgia. Good luck!

8 years ago

I am thinking to move to Georgia next year I want to get my license my 2-20 us there any requirements? If you have a pas felony that’s 12 years old in Florida can you still get your license?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
8 years ago
Reply to  Al

Hi Al, Anytime you have something in your past that you feel might be a problem, I recommend contacting the state’s insurance department and talking to the Licensing division (1-800-656-2298). There is usually a process you can go through to know whether or not they will issue you a license after passing the insurance licensing exam and submitting your application. There’s no point for you to waste your time and resources completing a required course and passing the licensing exam if they won’t issue you a license. More often than not a person’s distant past doesn’t affect the licensing process… Read more »

Chanita Grier
Chanita Grier
8 years ago

I would like information packet

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
8 years ago
Reply to  Chanita Grier

Hi Chanita, We don’t really have an information packet. All of our information is on our Georgia insurance course page. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks and have a great day!

7 years ago

If you take these courses, does it allow you to work under NAIFA ?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
7 years ago
Reply to  Katie

Hi Katie, Since NAIFA is an association you could be a part of if you were an insurance agent/producer, financial advisor or both. We help people pass their insurance license exams in the insurance industry so that they can become insurance agents/producers. We do not however have any courses for securities licenses, which are often held by financial advisors.

7 years ago

I have a personal lines license in OH. I am moving to GA in a few months. Will I need to retake for the GA P&C?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
7 years ago
Reply to  Sherrie

Hello Sherrie, You will want to call the insurance licensing department in Georgia (800-656-2298) and ask them if your Personal Lines license will transfer over. Usually a person will have to get a clearance letter from their current state’s department of insurance, Ohio DOI in your case. The current state will give a period of time to transfer the license to the new state (Georgia). If you get it transferred in the allotted time you usually won’t have to take a pre-licensing course and go through the licensing process again. Good luck!

Regina Kramer
Regina Kramer
7 years ago

I am looking to change my career.i have been looking to become a license insurance sales person.

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
7 years ago
Reply to  Regina Kramer

Hello Regina, Insurance is a great career choice. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the process of getting your insurance license. Thanks and have a great day!

ronnie soriano
ronnie soriano
7 years ago

hello, im interested to become auto insurance agent and hopefully someday will have my own company

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
7 years ago
Reply to  ronnie soriano

Hi Ronnie, You will want to start off by getting your Property and Casualty license to be able to sell auto insurance. Please let us know if you have any other questions. Good luck!

7 years ago

Hello, how and where do you actually apply for the license after you pass the exam?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
7 years ago
Reply to  Derek

Hello Derek, Your pass results from Pearson VUE should have the steps printed on them but you will want to go to to apply for your license. There you will submit all your paperwork. Good luck!

Ebony. L
Ebony. L
7 years ago

Hello are your classes online or do you guys just mail out books? Which classes would I take if I want to be licensed for insurance and adjuster. I want to be able to do it all!

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
7 years ago
Reply to  Ebony. L

Hello Ebony, Our classes are online but we also send books. Our goal is to simulate a live course by having our students take notes and highlight their books while watching the pre-recorded lectures online and take review questions. Our Georgia Property and Casualty (+ Adjuster) course will prepare you for both Adjuster exams and the Property Casualty Agent exam while meeting your state pre-licensing requirement. Please give us a call if you have any other questions. Thanks and have a great day!

7 years ago

Once I meet the requirements and I get my license, do I have to be sponsored by an agency or can I keep my license as long as I meet the license renewal requirements?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
7 years ago
Reply to  Amelia

Hello Amelia, You do not need to be sponsored to take the Property and Casualty or Life, Accident and Sickness Producer exams or to hold the licenses. You will only have to keep up with your continuing education requirements to keep your license(s) active. To sell insurance though you must be affiliated with an insurance company.

7 years ago

What exam would I need to take to become an auto adjuster here in Georgia? Thanks.

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
7 years ago
Reply to  Noah

Hello Noah, In Georgia you need to take an approved 40-hour Property and Casualty course but pass the Adjuster exam with Pearson VUE (more info). On our site you can either purchase a Georgia Property Casualty course or the Georgia Adjuster course. Each will give the required material and certificate of completion to pass your Adjuster exam. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Peggy Weil
Peggy Weil
7 years ago

Are you allowed to sell life insurance under a “pre- license”?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
7 years ago
Reply to  Peggy Weil

Hello Peggy, You have to take an approved pre-license course to meet the Georgia state education requirement, pass the licensing exam with Pearson VUE, then apply for your license with the state. The state will then issue you a license to sell insurance under a company that you go to work for. So the “pre-license” class is just the class you take prior to getting your license. Please let us know if you have any other questions. Thanks!

Tanisha Johnson
Tanisha Johnson
6 years ago

I’ve completed your course and scheduled my exam. Once I pass the exam (optimism), where do I apply for my Georgia license?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
6 years ago

Hello Tanisha, Pearson VUE will give you a pass sheet with instructions on it. Those instructions will send you to to get started. Good luck on your exam!

StevenB Davis
StevenB Davis
6 years ago

Can I get a license with “2 felony DUI’s Habitual Violator”? I have other lesser charges due to drinking, but just the 2 felony’s. I have 3+ years sober if it matters.

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
6 years ago
Reply to  StevenB Davis

Hello Steven, We always recommend contacting the Department of Insurance (GA website 800-656-2298) in your state first before going down the licensing path if you have any background questions. They often have a procedure in place to pre-qualify you so that you whether or not you would be issued a license upon successfully completing the application process. No sense in putting all the time and resources in if they aren’t going to issue a license. I’ve seen people get denied if they hid something in the application process or if their violation had to do with mishandling other people’s funds.… Read more »

5 years ago

If you have a license for Property, Casualty and Personal Lines in Georgia and want to do business in Florida is that allowed

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
5 years ago

Hi Rickey, A full Georgia Property & Casualty (PC) resident license supersedes a Personal Lines license as it includes both Personal and Commercial Lines. If your Georgia license is in good standing you will need to simply apply for a non-resident PC license in Florida. Go to to start that process. Good luck!

5 years ago

I would ultimately like to get 220 license in the State of Florida, however, I am a Georgia resident. Where do I start?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
5 years ago
Reply to  Shawna

Hello Shawna, You would first need to have your resident Property and Casualty (P&C) license in Georgia (here is our approved GA P&C Course) then you would need to apply for a non-resident P&C license in Florida. As you see on this page, a 2-20 license is a resident license in Florida but the 9-20 is the non-resident license for PC. After obtaining your resident PC license in Georgia you could apply for a non-resident 9-20 PC license in Florida (more information here). Good luck!

5 years ago

Do you need to be a citizen to obtain a GA insurance licence?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
5 years ago
Reply to  Jireh

Hello Jireh, If you are not a US citizen you must show proof of eligibility to work in the US. Please see the rules here under Business:

5 years ago

Wooowww!!! I am very excited to say that I took my prelicensing courses and passed my life and health exam. I applied for my license and it’s under the state’s review. I can’t wait to begin my career. I think I want to obtain an property and casualty license as well. Good luck everyone!!!

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
5 years ago
Reply to  Shronda

Congrats on passing your exam! Just out of curiosity, please let us know how long it takes for your license to be issued. We usually tell students around 2 weeks but lately we’ve heard that it’s been going quicker. Thanks and have a great day!

Judy Giannetti
Judy Giannetti
4 years ago

How long must I be a resident of Georgia to become an agent?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
4 years ago
Reply to  Judy Giannetti

Hi Judy, I don’t believe there is a time requirement, it just has to be your resident state.

Eydie Timmerman
Eydie Timmerman
4 years ago

How do you apply for a temporary Health Insurance producer license?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
4 years ago

Hello Eydie, You should contact your Department of Insurance (855-235-5174) for general information and fill out an Resident Insurance License Application for a temporary license. Good luck!

4 years ago

I am a felon for intent to distribute marijuana, can I still get a license for life Insurance?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
4 years ago
Reply to  Lee

Hello Lee, You can go through the background process first if you are concerned about getting a license. Contact your Department of Insurance (licensing) to start the process. They are really the only ones who can say whether or not you are able to get your Producer license. Here’s a link to their site. Good luck!

4 years ago

I am interested in becoming a life insurance agent. What course should I take?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
4 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Hi Jane, If you want to only get your Life license then this 20-hour approved course. But, if you want to get Life and Health (Accident and Sickness) you would want this 40-hour approved course. Please let us know if you need anything else!

4 years ago

is Primerica insurance pre-licensing classes an approved insurance pre-license prep course??????

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
4 years ago

Hi Bryant, There are many approved courses out there but the best way to verify is to look up Approved Providers on Sircon’s database ( and then look at available courses. Looks to me that they have two courses currently approved, 20-hour for Life and 20-hour for Health. Just so you know, our Georgia courses are approved too. 😉 Good luck!

Janet Smith
Janet Smith
4 years ago

I recently got my license, and was accepted by a local insurance company to work for them. If I decided to change from working at their organization before the 2 year renewal period, would that license be able to transfer over with me to a new company?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
4 years ago
Reply to  Janet Smith

Absolutely, your license transfers with you as long as it was a full Producer license, not a subagent license. Good luck!

4 years ago

I am a licensed insurance agent in Florida and was wanting to sell insurance in georgia

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
4 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Hi Robert, Sounds like you need to apply for a Georgia non-resident license via Good luck!

4 years ago

I have a Florida resident (2-15) Life Health and Annuities License. How do I become a Georgia agent as a Georgia resident?

My husband was contracted military when I got my license in Florida. We had a Florida address with Georgia drivers license because of the military thing. Now we are back living in our hometown in Georgia. How do I go about obtaining my license from Florida over to Georgia?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
4 years ago
Reply to  Shawna

Hi Shawna, We always recommend calling the department of insurance to get the exact procedure they want you to follow. Usually your new home state will want you to get a clearance letter from your old home state and then fill out the application for the moved licenses. Not too difficult of a process. Many people will also then pick up a non-resident in the state they moved from so they can continue to sell in that state. Good luck!

Toni Quaresima
Toni Quaresima
4 years ago

I’m licensed in NY and plan on moving to Georgia but I will continue working remotely for my current employer in NY where the owner holds a Georgia non-resident license among other states. Is it necessary for me to get a Georgia license?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
4 years ago
Reply to  Toni Quaresima

Hi Toni, If you are moving to GA you will want to transfer your resident license to GA and then apply for a non-resident for NY (if YOU wish to keep conducting business there – more info). You must maintain a resident license in your primary state of residence, usually the state you pay taxes in. Just to be safe, you will probably want to run your situation past the DOI in both Georgia and New York as I know NY has some stricter compliance rules. Good luck!

4 years ago

How do I transfer my Florida license over to Georgia? And does that mean I can no longer sell in Florida once the transfer?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
4 years ago
Reply to  Rashena

Hi Rashena, Simply call the department of insurance in Georgia and ask them what the requirements are. Usually they are going to have you get a clearance letter from Florida and apply for your resident license in GA. Then you would apply for a non-resident license in Florida if you still want to conduct business there. Good luck!

Melvia key
Melvia key
4 years ago

Hi I am currently licensed as a health insurance agent here in Ga, I want work for my self. What would be the next step?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
4 years ago
Reply to  Melvia key

Hi Melvia, You would need to find someone’s products to sell as and Independent Agent. You might post your question(s) up over on Insurance Forums to get some “real world” replies. Good luck!

4 years ago

Hello, I’m a licensed resident agent in Ohio and planning to move to Georgia. Will I have to take the prelicensing course and exam again to become a licensed resident agent in Georgia?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
4 years ago
Reply to  Joy

Hi Joy, You should be able to get a clearance letter from Ohio and transfer your license to Georgia. Give both Departments of Insurance a call to verify the specifics but I don’t think you will have to test again. Good luck!

4 years ago

I started the Property & Casualty course with you company sometime 2019 or early 2020 and the Covid start and I didn’t finish the course to take the test. Can I continued the course or I have to repay for it again.

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
4 years ago
Reply to  Trudi

Hi Trudi, Not a problem. Go to our Contact Us page and request a course extension and the team will get you taken care of.

Annette Gentry
Annette Gentry
4 years ago

I have a Georgia license and work in Georgia, do I have to live in Georgia to continue to work?

America's Professor - DCM
America's Professor - DCM
4 years ago
Reply to  Annette Gentry

Hi Annette, If you move to a different state you will need to look at moving your Resident license to that state and get a non-resident license in Georgia if you wish to continue to work in Georgia. Good luck!

Crystal Tyson-Clark
Crystal Tyson-Clark
3 years ago

I am licensed in the state of AL I recently moved to GA and would like to be licensed in GA what do I need to do? Will I need to start all over?

Uwe Trowers
Uwe Trowers
3 years ago

I am grateful that I found this site I am starting my journey in this career field I have a few questions what is the best study guide and after completing the pre-license course where do I apply to take the exam I am located in the state of Georgia

Paulina Martinez
Paulina Martinez
3 years ago

I work for a car insurance company and need to get licensed. How do I go about doing this ??

Nicole Green
Nicole Green
3 years ago

Hello, in 1993 I obtained a Georgia license 215. In 1996, I moved to the state of Florida and obtained my 215 there. A few years ago, I became ill with Lupus and my license were not valid because I did not meet my ( appointment ) deadline, although I was up on my CE. So My License was not valid due to the appoint in Florida. My question is: Since I already had a license 215 for the state of Georgia before ( left in good standing) would I have to retake the exam? I am already almost done… Read more »

3 years ago

Hi! I wish to become a health insurance broker in Georgia. I have been doing a lot of research, but I have been receiving contrasting answers to these questions:
-What is the total cost (and is the $5,000 bond required)?
-What is my first step?
Thank you!

3 years ago

Thank you so much for the advice and quick response! They did send me to Pearson VUE when I called before (who then recommended I call back the Department of Insurance), so this advice is immensely helpful. Thank you again!

Benjamin A Stanley
Benjamin A Stanley
3 years ago

Hello I don’t work for a firm and have no experience, and would be sponsoring myself. Can an individual take the courses and exam with no experience? If so once licensed can they sell independently, any recommendations starting out what firms or carriers have programs for new independent agents? I’ve a background in business development and internet digital marketing.

Caitlin Harbin
Caitlin Harbin
2 years ago

How hard is it to find a good job after getting licensed??

1 year ago

I want auto and home insurance license. Is it possible to get just those license?

Thank you.