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ELVA R CAMARILLO Verified Student

Course Taken - Texas General Lines Life, Accident & Health Pre-Licensing Course

5 out of 5 December 4, 2020


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MarkB Verified Student

Course Taken - Texas General Lines Property & Casualty Pre-Licensing Course

5 out of 5 December 3, 2020

I’ll get this out of the way first, I cannot compare this course to any others available, so please keep that in mind.

I will however say this DOES give you ALL you need to pass. Personally, I watched the videos, answered the chapter review questions, took the final exam then went back and took each quiz again until I felt confident or scored at least a 95.

I took the state test this morning and passed with a B+.

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Paul DeOliveira Verified Student

Course Taken - Texas General Lines Property & Casualty Pre-Licensing Course

5 out of 5 December 3, 2020

Today I took the Texas General Lines – Property & Casualty test for the first time and I passed it!! I’m so happy and relieved! Thanks to America’s Professor! The audios, all the reading, and the tests helped me not only to prepare for the exam but most important to pass the test. Thanks Mr. Jack, you’re the best!

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Jake Verified Student

Course Taken - Texas General Lines Property & Casualty Pre-Licensing Course

5 out of 5 November 30, 2020

This course has been a pleasure. The instructor cracks me up sometimes. My only critique would be some of the test questions are worded in a incomplete way. I felt like some questions (not many) could have been a little more clear. Besides that small opinion I would recommend this course to everyone! Just passed with a 95% overall

AP RESPONSE: Congrats on passing Jake! We are trying to prepare you for an imperfect exam and the best way to do that (in our opinion) is have some imperfect questions that you need to figure out. Looks like you did well though, congrats!

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Ms. Jones Verified Student

Course Taken - Iowa Life, Accident & Health Pre-Licensing Course

5 out of 5 November 30, 2020

This course is absolutely the best!!! I took both of my exams back to back and scored a combined average (General & State) of 88% on Life and an 85% on Health! I couldn’t believe it-all on my first attempt and in less than 2 hours combined! Thank you Jack! The videos kept my attention and the review tests definitely prepared me for my NAIC Exam. With such a low pass rate for these 2 lines, I was ecstatic!

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Todd Koenig Verified Student

Course Taken - Texas General Lines Property & Casualty Pre-Licensing Course

5 out of 5 November 26, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed taking this General P&C course for the state of Texas exam. I was a bit concerned throughout my study that the videos were 10 years old in some cases and whether they might still be relevant to today’s exam content — even with scattered updates to the text. Fear not! The course prepared me and others well and I can’t help but admit that I kind of miss spending part of my days with Jack. He’s the type you could listen to all day and never get bored. Many thanks to you good sir and hope you’re doing well all these years later. Passed the exam on the first attempt with a 91%. Don’t hesitate to sign up for this course!

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Ms. Morgan Verified Student

Course Taken - Texas Life Pre-Licensing Course

5 out of 5 November 26, 2020

I am so very excited to say that the course was OUTSTANDING! Mr. Morton made things so very clear! I will ALWAYS refer others to this Awesome Program! I scored an 82 on my Life Insurance Exam!

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Noah Verified Student

Course Taken - Arizona Life, Accident & Health Pre-Licensing Course

5 out of 5 November 26, 2020

Jack is an absolute wizard. i was previously studying through a different online course until I failed my first 2 attempts. Switched over to America’s Professor and after the first chapter, i realized Jack was going to really help me understand all the content. As of today, I passed with an 85% which i didn’t even think was imaginable and its all thanks to Jack and his approach. If you watch all the Videos and follow along with the textbooks, there is no way you shouldn’t pass. Thanks Jack and good luck with that Bubonic Plague!

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Veronica Verified Student

Course Taken - Georgia Life, Accident & Sickness (LAS) Insurance Pre-Licensing Course

5 out of 5 November 23, 2020

Americas Professor is truly a great pre-licensing course. I took both my prop and cas and life and health with them and passed on my first try. Even when your iffy if you will pass or not americas professor truly sets you up for success!!! I highly recommend watching all videos and the day before test to retake all your quizzes!!! Thank you Americas Professor for helping me pass my exams and better my future. Jack Morton you are the bomb! Nancy you are as well. Thank you.

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Adam Verified Student

Course Taken - Georgia Property & Casualty Pre-Licensing Course

5 out of 5 November 23, 2020

I passed the Exam on the first try. The Program is very helpful and proven to work. i followed the guidelines of videos, PDF material and exams. It is a lot of information but if you pay attention and work the course you will pass the Tricky Exam. I mean Tricky. I would love to meet the test writer!!!! LOL.

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