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Montana Bankers Life & Cas. Insurance Pre-Licensing

Please take a look at our Montana Bankers Life and Casualty Insurance Pre-Licensing Courses below:

Please note: Supervised courses have been setup by a specific employer. Supervisors have access to their students’ course access logs and completion status. If you have not been told to purchase a supervised course please purchase the non-supervised course.


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  • Bankers Life and Casualty – Public – Non-Supervised Course

Student Feedback


August 17, 2024 -

Amazing course! Wish you did more classes like the SIE or Series 6!

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August 6, 2024 -

I’ve taken both the life/health and property/casualty/surety from Mr. Morton. His classes are funny, engaging, and informative. The little tidbits he give and stories he tells make it possible to remember a lot of information in a short period of time, and prepares you to pass your exam. I passed both exams on the first try without a problem – scored in the 90’s both times. I highly recommend America’s Professor.

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April 12, 2024 -

My background is in Education, I have no experience in anything related to insurance, but needed to pass my L&H test for a new job…I was really impressed with how well this course was put together, and how he made it understandable for someone with no industry experience. I did have to retake my Health exam, but I think I wasn’t prepared for how specific most of those questions were (the State portion is what tripped me up). You do need more than a solid understanding to pass these tests, you need to memorize a LOT. It’s doable! And professor Jack gives so many great ways to remember all the details. Thanks for everything!

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January 29, 2024 -

This course did an excellent job preparing me for my Montana life and health exams. I felt comfortable with the material, which for the most part did mirror what was on the exams and I passed with high scores. I was worried about the lack of content in regards to ACA changes on the health portion, but I did not encounter any questions affected by those laws.

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December 12, 2023 -

I would highly recommend this course. Jack actually finds a way to make insurance terminology easy to understand, as well as entertaining with his anecdotes and helpful test tips. When I arrived at my testing location the proctor said, “I just want you to know this test is really hard. Less than 50% of people pass their first time, so don’t feel bad if you don’t pass today.” She asked what program I used to prepare for the test and when I told her America’s Professor, she said “That’s the best one.” I ended up passing both exams, thanks to the numerous review tests I took. Was it hard? Yes. But I felt very prepared after completing the course and all the reviews. Like another reviewer, I was working part time and it took me about 2 months to complete. My advice is to take the tests right after watching the videos, then take the test again the next day to solidify the information in your brain!
Thank you Jack for being such an entertaining teacher, I will recommend this course to anyone who asks!

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September 17, 2023 -

I took my Life & Health insurance exams on 9/13/23 for the first time and was able to pass with no issue. America’s Professor course was very easy to use, understand and their easily accessible platform allowed me to travel and still keep up with course studies. The videos were very helpful in augmenting the written content and both broke down concepts and made them easy to comprehend and truly understand content being taught!

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August 4, 2023 -

This was a fantastic learning experience and Jack really helps you understand the information and concepts. I highly recommend this training.

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January 9, 2023 -

I would recommend this course. I passed my health exam on my second attempt with the help of this course, and did pass my life on the first try. I did use the score inquiry customer help email, and received personal guided study tips on what to study based off my first score-very useful. However, while redoing some of the lecture videos, there were two moments that Mr. Morton said he never saw that ‘fact’ on the exam-and I had questions of that content on my exam. So take note of everything, even if he says not to expect it…

My only complaint with this course is that it is not fully up to date with the lecture videos compared to the exam-or even the book they send; and this course requires the users to do more in-depth learning of exam updates-rather than americas professor updating their own video courses. If I could, I would give the course a 4.5 rating !

AP RESPONSE: Congrats on passing your exams, Marley! We are always in the process of updating as needed but sometimes it takes a bit and requires reading a course update.

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September 15, 2022 -

With this study guide, you will pass the test. They have a fail-proof method between the book, videos, and quizzes. The staff is very helpful as well if you need an extension. I am very pleased with this course!

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August 19, 2022 -

This course was the best I’ve taken for any licensing exam so far. The stories and mnemonic devices were very helpful. Jack was very engaging and easy to pay attention to (especially on 1.5x speed).

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July 18, 2022 -

Americas Professor, in my opinion is the absolute best test prep for insurance exams. I took courses for Property, Casualty, Life and Health. Passed all my exams on the first try. If you do the modules, take the practice tests and review before you take the exams you will have no problem passing the tests. I would highly recommend this program.

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June 16, 2022 -

I cannot give enough stars or positive reviews for AP!!! Best company around . They are very easy to communicate with, the material and videos with Jack are thorough and very easy to follow and understand. Applying for extensions when or if needed is as easy as an email or phone call.
This program is worth every penny and minute you spend.
I will always go through AP for my licensing needs.

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August 30, 2021 -

America’s Professor knocks it out of the park in helping prepare you for your prelicensing exams. Do the work. Complete every quiz at the end of every chapter and then go back through your wrong answers for review. If you do this, you will pass. The online videos are so helpful, especially when you’re a person who needs to hear it, see it, write it. Absolutely loved this course. I scored an average of 91 on both the life and health prelicensing exams. I couldn’t have done that on my own! Thank you!!!

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February 11, 2021 -

Took and passed the MT L&H exam on the first try! I highly recommend America’s Professor. The material is very easy to handle, and the lecture videos are engaging and relatable. If you are willing to put in the work, AP has the rest covered!

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October 26, 2020 -

I can’t say enough about what a great job Jack Morton did on explaining in great detail Montana Life & Health to help prepare me to take my two state tests. He was very thorough, descriptive and I found him amusing. He made the material relatable, and enjoyable. BTW give Nancy a hug 🙂 BTW I passed both tests and I owe a lot of that to him!

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October 26, 2020 -

Referred to you by Terri Hein at S****F***…
Jack is an amazing professor…
When I was taking my exams I thought of all of your neat ideas with teaching and it helped so much…you were made for your job!
So now, come on down into the Bitterroot and it would be my pleasure to provide your insurance needs and create a relationship with you that will teach me so much more! Because I can tell you are so much more than what I learned in this course! Thank you for teaching me Life, Health, Property, and Casualty Insurance!

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September 22, 2020 -

Just passed the Montana L & H exams 1st time around. The videos and practice tests made it possible! Jack Morton my 1st life policy that I sell is for you!

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June 25, 2020 -

Pat and the crew in the Montana branch kick a$$!

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June 11, 2020 -

Highly recommended! The presentations focused on the “need to know” details without losing sight of the big picture, and were very entertaining and memorable. Relevant quiz questions at the end of each chapter helped with retention of the material and were good practice for the tests. I was able to get through the test questions quickly and pass on the first attempt thanks to this course.

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November 26, 2019 -

I failed with a previous “Kompetitor” I went back and was getting high 90’s on the material (96%) and I failed the exams a second time. One week reviewing America’s Professor I took it again (99, 90, 89, 83). Done and Done, amazing what you can do with the right material.

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How We Teach

Sample Teaching Lectures

Our Guarantee

America's Professor Guarantee

Our goal is for your educational experience to be a positive one! If you are dissatisfied with your course, please let us know as soon as possible. We will make it right. If you start the course and realize it’s just not for you, let us know and return the materials and we will provide a full refund. Refunds are not available after the course certificate of completion has been issued.

If you are unable to pass the exam within your course subscription time, please give us a call at 1-800-870-3130 and we will extend your subscription for free until you pass.

We are committed to helping our students!


Got A Question?

Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions! 1-800-870-3130

Company Specific Courses

Please see here for more information on company courses. If you already have a course set up with us please use the search field at the top of the page to search for your company.

How To Pass

The information on the exams is challenging, and the material covered is not common knowledge. Following AP’s course study guide (included with each course) will give you the best chances of passing your exam on the first try.

Here is what AP recommends, based on our decades of experience:

  • Watch all course lectures in order while highlighting and taking notes on our instructor’s key points to remember. Replay any videos you didn’t understand.
  • Understand the content well enough to score at least 90% on chapter quizzes. Your first attempt at a quiz will tell you how well you are comprehending the materials.
  • Take your state exam as soon as possible after completing the course. The longer you wait, the more you will forget.
  • Check for course updates before testing.

ASK questions if you have them!

Click here for more information on how to make the most of AP courses.