Testimonial - George Veazey

Course Taken - Texas General Lines Life, Accident & Health Pre-Licensing Course

5 out of 5

Date - June 18, 2024

I passed the exam the first time, scoring an 82…Thank you Jack! I thought you di a phenomenal job teaching this information. You kept it interesting and the added humor, usually at Nancy’s expense, was fun. I would highly recommend this course to anyone. I have 7 licenses and so I have taken many courses in my life, to include this course, since I accidentally allowed my license to expire…shame on me!
If there was anything that i did not really feel prepared for was the Texas specific portion of the exam, where there were only 35 questions as opposed to the 110 questions inn the main body of the test.
Overall I would give this course a solid A…..Thank you so very much!

George Veazey