5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Rely on Practice Tests to Pass the Texas Property & Casualty Exam


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Texas is a great place to work as an insurance agent. Nearly 7 in 10 Texans own their homes, and there are more than 17 million licensed drivers in the state.1,2 These folks need insurance for their homes, cars, and personal property, plus protection against liability claims.

This is where you come in. As a licensed Texas Property & Casualty (P&C) agent, you’ll help people secure the coverage they need to protect their most valuable assets and comply with the law.

If you’ve decided to get your P&C license, you’ve already taken the first step toward an in-demand, stable career! Now you just need to get licensed. That means passing the Texas P&C exam.

You have lots of options when it comes to online insurance training courses—but you shouldn’t rely on practice tests to prepare for the exam. Here’s why:

1: Practice quizzes are not comprehensive.

Lots of websites promise a quick and easy way to prepare for the exam. But taking practice tests online is no substitute for enrolling in a comprehensive insurance e-learning course. Don’t rely on random information you find online or the test content outline—which is designed to provide you with a snapshot of the topics covered on the exam, not to prepare you for the actual exam.

2: The Texas P&C insurance exam is challenging.

The Property & Casualty insurance exam is no cakewalk. It covers a broad range of topics and includes complex terminology and concepts that aren’t common knowledge. For example, you can expect to see terms like “reinsurance” and “contract of adhesion” on the exam—and you need to know what they mean.

3: Online pre-licensing courses contain everything you need to pass.

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Taking an online course through a reputable provider like America’s Professor is the best way to prepare for your licensing exam. Our courses contain all the information you need to pass, including video lectures, study guides, practice questions, a hardcopy textbook, and more.

And with our online courses, there’s no need to take time off work to prepare. The material is available 24/7, which means you can study when it’s convenient for you and work at your own pace.

4: An expert can help you make sense of the information.

A skilled presenter can help you make sense of wordy jargon and dry, complex insurance topics.

Professor Jack Morton of America’s Professor has perfected the art of making difficult concepts easier to understand. His streaming lectures accommodate all learning styles and are designed to help you make sense of the material—and remember it on exam day.

5: The sooner you pass, the sooner you can start working.

You should plan to spend 35-40 hours studying for the exam. The best approach is to tackle the coursework in a single week, just as you would with an in-person exam prep class.

If you work or attend school full time, this may not be possible or realistic. Still, it’s important to keep yourself on a tight study schedule. Even if you work or go to school, aim for at least 3-4 hours of study time each day during the two-week period before your exam date.

Study right up until the day of the exam to keep the information fresh in your mind. Remember,  the longer you take to complete the course work, the more likely you are to forget things come exam day.

Balancing your study schedule with work and school might be a challenge, but the reward—passing your exam on the first try—is well worth it. The sooner you pass your exam and apply for your license, the sooner you’ll be on your way to an exciting career as an insurance agent!

Get Ready for Your Texas P&C Licensing Exam with America’s Professor

America’s Professor is a leading national insurance exam prep provider. We’ve been helping students prepare for their insurance licensing exams for more than 30 years.

Our study solutions are designed to help you easily absorb complex insurance concepts and terminology. When used correctly, our courses will improve your chances of passing your exam on the first try by more than 90%.

Our Texas P&C pre-licensing course gives you access to streaming video lectures, a hardcopy textbook, practice quizzes, and more. Sign up today!


  1. https://www.dallasnews.com/business/real-estate/2020/08/12/texas-homeownership-hits-record-high/
  2. https://www.statista.com/statistics/198029/total-number-of-us-licensed-drivers-by-state/
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