Testimonial - Mark
Course Taken - Utah Life Pre-Licensing Course
Date - July 12, 2023
Imagine my horror of sitting down in the testing center and finding questions and material that didn’t even remotely look like the online lectures or books! I could not believe that I was forced to select answers on pure speculation because it wasn’t covered. I feel disappointed, angry, and ripped off. The online lectures seemed old and dated with anecdotal examples that missed the mark. State specific information was breezed over with a “this will be on the test” (almost none of them were). Next time I will be using a more professional test preparation company (Kaplan?). So if anyone has taken the time to actually read this, your probably thinking “he’s just mad because he didn’t pass”. Wrong! I did pass, no thanks to Americas Professor!
AP Response: Sorry to hear our course wasn’t right for you Mark, wish we would have know a little sooner but glad to hear you passed your exam! It’s a lot of material with a lot of potential exam question combinations. All we can do is teach the incredibly exciting topics of insurance and hope they stick with you for the exam, which it sounds like they did. Again, congrats on passing your exam and good luck to you in the future.