Testimonial - Maggie

Course Taken - Montana Life & Health Pre-Licensing Course

5 out of 5

Date - December 12, 2023

I would highly recommend this course. Jack actually finds a way to make insurance terminology easy to understand, as well as entertaining with his anecdotes and helpful test tips. When I arrived at my testing location the proctor said, “I just want you to know this test is really hard. Less than 50% of people pass their first time, so don’t feel bad if you don’t pass today.” She asked what program I used to prepare for the test and when I told her America’s Professor, she said “That’s the best one.” I ended up passing both exams, thanks to the numerous review tests I took. Was it hard? Yes. But I felt very prepared after completing the course and all the reviews. Like another reviewer, I was working part time and it took me about 2 months to complete. My advice is to take the tests right after watching the videos, then take the test again the next day to solidify the information in your brain!
Thank you Jack for being such an entertaining teacher, I will recommend this course to anyone who asks!