Testimonial - Linda M
Course Taken - Georgia Property & Casualty Pre-Licensing Course
Date - October 11, 2023
I purchased this program at the recommendation of a friend in the business. WOW….this beats everything out there! I found a study page online that helped as well, and every test prep program in the world was mentioned there, but NOT America’s Professor. I finally realized why…there was nothing to complain about with this program, and people were sharing their aggravations! Dr Morton is thorough and gives examples. His state supplement was exactly what was on the test. I read the book but when listening to his videos, only highlighted what he talked about. The parts he skipped over I skipped over. I passed GA P&C Agent AND Adjusters tests the first time. Upon finishing the exam prep, the download of the certificate was emailed the same day. I found the intense amount of info overwhelming at times and must confess I screamed at Dr Morton a few times lol, but I just took a break and finished the lesson later. If you listen, he really does us a favor telling us what to focus on and what to basically skip over.
I do recommend finding a Facebook group of peers for encouraging each other through the insurance test-taking process, and answering questions so you don’t have to email America’s Professor every day with a question lol. The Facebook group I found plus Dr Morton’s vast knowledge of insurance, and his subtle wit, were exactly what I needed. I’m so glad Dr Morton listened to Nancy’s great advice and went into teaching insurance prep! 🙂