Is the Wyoming Insurance Exam Difficult?


Each Wyoming insurance licensing exam presents its own challenge. Between Life and Health, students say that the Health (Disability) insurance exam is the more difficult. Health insurance policies are simply more complicated than life insurance policies.

The Property insurance exam is easier than the Casualty insurance exam. Property insurance deals with easy to understand issues – fire, flooding, earthquake, etc. On the other hand, Casualty insurance deals primarily with Liability insurance – protection against lawsuits. Casualty insurance is a more conceptual topic and one that is more difficult for students to grasp – particularly if you have never been sued.

The state portion of the Wyoming insurance exam is very detailed and presents its own challenges. The state topics tend to cover trivial details relating to complicated state regulations. None of this is easy, but that is why we work so hard to make the material both understandable and memorable.

This is a challenging exam. Put yourself on a strict schedule as you do your exam prep work. Be focused and disciplined as you do your insurance test prep.

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